What Are The Pharmacy Capsule Machines?

Pharmacy capsule machines of different types are there to work with different types of capsules including making of capsules, filling and packing.

A capsule filler, capsule encapsulator, or capsule encapsulation machine is used to fill capsules with different forms of dosages and medications such as dry powder, granules, liquid or semi-liquid.

Here are some basic & advance questions that you need to know about pharmacy capsule machines.

Table of Contents

I.What are the different pharmacy capsule machines?

II.Top 10 worldwide pharmacy capsule machine suppliers?

III.How to select pharmacy capsule machine?


I.What are the different pharmacy capsule machines?

Today, many kinds of pharmaceutical capsule machines are used to produce different types of medical & pharmacy products.

Here are some following pharmacy capsule machines that are widely used for the production of different items.

  • Capsule filling machine
  • Hard capsule liquid filling machine
  • Softgel encapsulation machine
  • Capsule counting machine
  • Capsule polishing machine

Capsule Filling Machine

NJP-7500C automatic capsule filling machine

APK NJP-7500C automatic capsule filling machine

Capsule filler or capsule filling machine is a technical device used to fill powder and granules in the empty capsules for medicine purpose.

Capsule filling machine works as a packing machine to pack the dosage inside the capsule body to protect the inner dosage from harmful bacteria and save the nutrition level of the dosage.

Working Principle

Capsules are first enter the capsule chamber in a vertical order then sent onward to the separation unit for the purpose to separate body and head of the capsule.

After body and head of capsules are separated from each other then, filling of capsules take place up to specific weightage. After filling the dosage inside a capsule the packing of capsule comes into action.

During packing of capsule the separated body and head of the capsule comes together to pack the medicine inside a capsule that is how the capsule filling machine perform filling & packing task.

Applications & Uses

Working Principle

Capsule filler is used in many industries for packing different products in empty capsules that are as follows.

  • It is used to fill different types of dosages in capsules.
  • Useful to fill nutrients and vitamins in capsules.
  • You can also fill different food elements in capsule like spices in powder form.
  • Useful for Powder & granule filling.



Capsule filling machine is very beneficial in packing multiple dry powder and granule medications inside an empty capsule.

  • Cost-effective & it can provide you quality production.
  • Flexible working tendency to fill and pack multiple size capsules.
  • Capsule filler can assist you with mass production, you can produce large amount of products in less time range.
  • AIPAK pharmacy capsule machine provides visual PLC screen to make the user interaction easy with minimum effort.

Hard Capsule liquid Filling Machine

NJYF 300c automatic hard capsule liquid filler

AIPK NJYF 300c automatic hard capsule liquid filler

Hard capsule filling machine defines as a liquid capsule filling machine that can fill liquid & semi-liquid in an empty hard gelatin capsule.

The basic and main idea of this machine is to be adjustable with the filling unit to derive different capsules easily for filling purpose.

Hard capsule liquid filler is not only limited to deal with liquid items filling instead it can also fill different kinds of dry items as well for example granules, pellets or a small capsule inside a large one.

Working Principle

Firstly, the hard capsule is divided into two halves accurately then the liquid filling is done inside the capsule after which the sealing takes place.

During the sealing process a soft gelatin alloy is used to pack the filled capsule to make inner medication secure & safe.

It can also take small capsules and pack them in a large one for double dosage purpose.

Application & Uses

hard capsule

Hard capsule liquid filling machine used in many applications to fill different products and here are the uses of this machine.

  • Multi-filling for double dosage.
  • It is also comfortable to fill pellets in hard capsules.
  • Mix or combine filling of pellets and liquid.
  • You can also fill oil liquid and water liquid in the same hard capsule.
  • You can fill dry hard granules inside a capsule with hard liquid capsule filling machine.


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Hard capsule filling or packing machine is a beneficial device in many ways and some of its filling & packing benefits are as follows.

  • Flexible and precise in filling different types of dosages.
  • Smooth filling with noise free working ability.
  • Seal the capsule from outer side with gelatin alloy to make it leakage proof.
  • Standard quality production to work with multiple size capsules.
  • Easy to operate & easy to maintain the machine.

Softgel Encapsulation Machine

SEM-250B softgel encapsulation machine

AIPAK SEM-250B softgel encapsulation machine

Softgel encapsulation machine or softgel capsule filling machine is a technical well manufactured device used to fill soft gelatin capsules as well as hard gelatin capsules.

Softgel capsules are filled with different types of products for example dry and hard material, oil based liquids and semi-liquid material.

Working Principle

In a softgel encapsulation machine the first step is to make a soft gelatin shell which is also called as the body of softgel capsule. After the shell making the capsule is ton or divided into two pieces and then filled with the prior material up to the required volume.

In the final processing step softgel encapsulation comes in action where the filled capsule is locked in a proper way with a gelatin alloy.

Outer shell of the softgel capsules is monitored and maintained within the process in order to get right thickness in capsule shell.

Application & Uses


Softgel encapsulation machine is widely used in soft gelatin capsules filling and its uses in different industries in given below.

  • Useful to make instance absorption medicine.
  • It is very useful in Nutraceutical industry.
  • Useful to fill animal medications in a softgel capsule.


Here are sofgel capsule filling machine benefits.

  • Softgel filling machine can work to produce different shape and size capsules.
  • You can fill soft gelatin capsules with liquid material or semi-liquid material.
  • Softgel filler provides patient friendly dosage which is easy to digest for quick relief.
  • There will no taste while swallowing the capsules made with soft gelatin filling machine.

Tablet Counting Line

Capsule counting line

AIPAK Capsule counting line

Capsule counting machine is another precise equipment used in pharmacy to count the number of filled capsules and tablets so that you can fill known number of capsules and tablets in a bottle, wrap or container.

This machine is highly used in pharmaceutical industry for the calculation of different tablets after the filling.

Working Principle

The machine works through counting discs when the filled capsules went through the counting discs they precisely calculate the filled capsules & unfilled capsules are not calculated.

You can usually install this machine along with a tablet or capsule production line for counting the production without any manual effort.

 Application & Uses


The main usage of capsule counting machine in pharmacy is to get precise and accurate counting of filled tablets and capsules.

  • Precise & accurate counting of such small objects without any outer effort.
  • Highly usable in pharmaceutical industry for example hospitals, health care products etc.
  • Not that expensive as compared to other machines.


Capsule counting machine can provide you some following benefits.

  • Quick and accurate in counting different size tablets & capsules.
  • Tablet counter is designed in a modern way to accomplish greater counting abilities.
  • You can easily maintain and clean this machine with the help of user guide.

Capsule Polishing Machine

Polished capsules

Polished capsules

Capsule polishing is a technique in pharmaceutical capsule processing used to make the capsules dust free & neat to give a clean look.

After the filling of capsules they are polished with the help of capsule polishing machine in which combination of brushes rotate around the capsules that entered the polishing unit.

Working Principle

Capsule filling machine is not a complex equipment instead easy to work with & make sure your product remain safe with complete care during the polishing process.

Number of vertical & horizontal brushes installed in the cleaning area make sure that every single capsule passing by must be cleaned properly.

After the polishing process this machine carefully moves your capsules with conveyors towards the packing stage.

Application & Uses

Some major

Some major applications and uses of capsule polishing machine are as follows.

  • Useful to make your capsules look appealing & dust free.
  • Useful to make Hygienic & smooth capsules.
  • It gives shinny look to attract your customers.


Capsule polishing machine gives some following benefits when you use it your pharmacy production unit.

  • Precise & accurate polishing without any damage.
  • Capacity to work with multiple size capsules.
  • High cleaning rate with less time consumption.
  • Smooth & flexible working performance.

Ⅱ.Top 10 worldwide pharmacy capsule machine suppliers?



Headquarter: California, USA

Company Background & Information


US pharmaceuticals is the top pharma machine & research company providing high quality capsule filling machineries & other pharmaceutical equipment to its worldwide customers.

Key Products

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US pharma always focus to deliver latest tech & innovative capsule machines for effective working.

  • USPE V3 softgel capsule filling machine
  • R&D softgel capsule filling machine


Company Background & Information


CCS index encapsulation was first introduced back in 2000 to provide different medical & pharmaceutical solutions to its customers in the form of tablet press machines & capsule filling machines with modern design & innovative technology.

Key Products

capsule filling machie

Their commitment towards quality products help them deliver authentic and reliable products for pharmacy capsule filling.

  • Index K90i
  • Index K120i

Headquarter: Waiblingen, Germany

Company Background & Information


Syntegon Technology is a leading pharma company based in Germany founded back in 1970 by Robert Bosh group but after spending so many years together in 2020 Syntegon part ways with Bosh & now known as Syntegon.

Company has generated a record sales revenue in 2021 which is 1.4 Billion euros.

Key Products

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Along with different food and pharmaceutical products Syntegon is also very famous because of its different pharmacy capsule machines such as:

  • GFK Performance Series
  • GFK Selection Series
  • GFK Capsylon series

Headquarter: Bologna, Italy

Company Background & Information


Back in late 1960’s MG2 introduced its first capsule filler in the country and become very popular locally. Because of the growing demands of the capsule filler MG2 gets the recognition globally in 1975 by introducing flexible capsule filling machine.

Key Products

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The main & basic focus of MG2 was to bring helpful pharmacy capsule filling machines to the worldwide customers & here are some of their top machines:

  • OEB Series Pharmacy Capsule Filler
  • Planeta 200 Pharmacy Capsule Filler
  • Flexa Lab Pharmacy Capsule Filler

Headquarter: China

Company Background & Information

Have you ever seen how capsule filled into capsule by the liquid capsule filling and sealing machine

AIPAK was found back in late 2000’s when they introduced first ever pharmacy capsule filling machine along with pre installation & after sale services.

For now, AIPAK has become China’s leading pharmaceutical company providing efficient, reliable & quality solutions in different medical fields.

Key Products

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You will find many kinds of pharmaceutical processing solutions from AIPAK that includes pharmacy capsule filling machines, packing machines etc.

  • NJP Pharmacy capsule filling series
  • CGN Pharmacy capsule filling series
  • SEM Series Pharmacy capsule machine series

Headquarter: Japan

Company Background & Information


Yenchen is a top tech company located in Japan providing multiple pharmaceutical solutions worldwide from 1970.

The company is providing multiple solutions related to medical, healthcare, and pharmaceutical industry in more than 70 countries.

Key Products

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Yecnhen has some following pharmacy capsule filling machines that are considered their top quality product worldwide.

  • F-Labo Capsule filling series
  • F Series capsule filling machine
  • JCF capsule filling series

7. Fette Compacting


Headquarter: Schwarzenbek, Germany

Company Background & Information


Fette Compacting is a multi-national pharmaceutical manufacturer successfully installed more than 5,000 machines all over the world.

This company was first introduced to work with tablets but later in 2000’s they add capsule filling machines in their portfolio because of high demands.

Key Products

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Below are some of the top products that you can avail from Fette compacting.

  • FEC 20 Pharmacy capsule filler
  • FEC 40 Pharmacy capsule filler

Headquarter: Flynn row, England

Company Background & Information


PTK is a UK based pharmaceutical company providing different pharmaceutical solutions to the whole Europe as well as other countries.

This company has become of the certified leading pharma firm in UK that can build you strong & effective pharmaceutical as well as nautical equipment for capsule filling etc.

Key Products

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PTK-GB is renowned because of its highly efficient capsule filling machines & top products of this company are as follows.

  • PF-1000 Pharmacy capsule filler
  • PF-2000 Pharmacy capsule filler
  • PF-3000 Pharmacy capsule filler

Headquarter: Kityama, Japan

Company Background & Information


Fuji capsule machinery is a pioneer company which is leading the race with other Japanese based pharma companies to provide powerful pharmaceutical solutions.

The main stream of this company is to provide machines that can work with multiple types of capsules without facing any error.

Key Products

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Following are the key products that fuji capsule machinery is manufacturing with complete customization.

  • FJ Seamless pharmacy capsule filling machine
  • FJ Bulk capsule filler

Headquarter: Bologna, Italy

Company Background & Information

IMA PHARMA background

IMA pharma is high tech pharmaceutical company located in Italy. Their experts and engineers are facilitating the worldwide customers with sophisticated pharmacy solutions.

IMA is well known because of its automatic and high tech equipment production.

Key Products

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Following are the key products that you can get from IMA pharma manufacturer to fill pharmacy capsules.

  • IMA Practica series
  • IMA Prexima series
  • ZANASI THC series

Ⅲ.How to select pharmacy capsule machine?

The selection of pharmacy capsule depends on many different key points or factors & these are as follows.

Cost & Working


During the pharmacy capsule machine purchasing you must need to select appropriate amount that you want to spend on the machine.

Also make sure the pharmacy capsule machine is reliable to work with & you can use it without any problem to process different capsules.

Certification & Manufacturing Practices


You need to check some quality standards during the pharmacy capsule machine hunt because it is compulsory to purchase a machine from a manufacturer that holds the proper certification.

Always select a pharmacy capsule machine that went through best manufacturing practices that will ensures the safety of the machine & interacting person.


After understanding about different pharmacy capsule machines and top pharmacy capsule machine suppliers you must have learn many aspects that include working principle, applications and benefits.  You may face a question that what are the pharmacy capsule machine & what should I do to get one for my pharmacy production unit. AIPAK is here to help you so you can get your desired pharmacy capsule machine.Contact Us!

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