# let's Grow Your Hand

Resources for Beginners In The Pharmaceutical Industry

We put all my pharmaceutical industry knowledge into this A to Z guide, helping you understand how to import, what’s the process, how to find the best pharmaceutical machineries, etc.

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As one of the largest pharmaceutical equipment& packaging machinery manufacturers,we have accumulated rich knowledge of pharmaceutical equipment &packaging machinery technology,pharmaceutical business starup,import & export,and pharmaceutical industry trend.We want to share all these values here.

Choose any of the following topics that you are interested in to get started.




What Are The Pill Packaging Machine?

Do you know a large pharmaceutical industry can produce approximately 1.7 million pills per day? This could be of any size, shape, and color. Similarly, you can't leave them exposed to the external environment as it may harm the quality, potency, and shelf life of the pill. So, you need to secure them immediately. Every challenge has its own seed of growth and solution. Modern sciences and technologies have introduced ...
Vacuum Emulsifying Mixer

Types Of Vacuum Emulsifying Mixer For Pharmacy

An interesting phenomenon of drug formation begins with mixing. Every pharmaceutical product follows a multistep mixing procedure to form an excellent and smooth textured product. With more advancement in technological sciences has emerged innovative solutions for mixing job. Yes, we are talking about a vacuum emulsifying mixer. You must have aware of this technology; a closed system with internal pressure gets lowered than atmospheric pressure to create a vacuum. In ...
Pharmaceutical Filling Machine

What Are The Pharmaceutical Filling Machines?

Filling of different sorts of medicines in different kinds of elements has now become very demanding in the pharmaceutical industry. There are several pharmaceutical filling machines to fill products like injection vials, syrup, bottles, containers and empty capsules. After reading this general guide about different pharmaceutical filling machines you will understand many things about the machines including working, applications & features. Table of Contents I.What are the different pharmaceutical filling ...

Types Of Softgel Encapsulation Machine For Pharmacy

Softgel encapsulation machines occupy a central place in the formulation of softgel capsules. The encapsulator has come a long way since its invention in 1934. Today, the modern softgel encapsulation machine is designed with futuristic technology. Furthermore, it is devising an elegant way of carrying unpleasant medication in the body of the sofgel capsule. Interested in establishing a dedicated line for manufacturing softgel capsules? First, take a look at various ...

Types Of Cartoning Machine For Pharmacy

A cartoning machine is a versatile option to construct folded boxes, collapsible cartons, and slotted containers for the packaging of products. For instance, medications, food, electronics, beverages, and many more items. Additionally, these machines ascertain the safety and security of your products. Cartoning machines are a cost-effective solution for sturdy packaging. Looking for a cartoning machine to pack your product? Let's talk! This blog is specially designed to guide you ...
products of tube filling machine

Types Of Tube Filling Machine For Pharmacy

A tube filling machine is a powerful filling solution that works for different industries. Today, it is on the rise due to its great reasons. Types of tube filling machine for pharmacy shows how your machine is committed to an economical filling solution. If you are looking for a machine that is intended to introduce viscous formulations with accuracy and precision, a tube filling machine is the best way! The ...

What Are The Pharmacy Capsule Machines?

Pharmacy capsule machines of different types are there to work with different types of capsules including making of capsules, filling and packing. A capsule filler, capsule encapsulator, or capsule encapsulation machine is used to fill capsules with different forms of dosages and medications such as dry powder, granules, liquid or semi-liquid. Here are some basic & advance questions that you need to know about pharmacy capsule machines. Table of Contents ...
blister packaging

Мягкая капсула ПРОТИВ Твердой Желатиновой Капсулы

Капсулы являются самой популярной формой перорального приема лекарств из-за их легкости проглатывания. За прошедшие годы в процесс производства и форму капсул было внесено множество изменений. Желатиновые капсулы больше производятся фармацевтической промышленностью, поскольку производство этих капсул обходится дешевле, чем их вегетарианские аналоги. Желатиновые капсулы бывают двух типов: мягкие и твердые желатиновые. Вы читали о различных типах капсул, но знаете ли вы о разнице между обоими этими типами капсул? Давайте посмотрим на ...
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